So how does anyone attain and consistently maintain a fresh, smooth and glowing skin, knowing fully well that with each passing day, skin ageing and wrinkling is inevitable?
Whenever anyone tells you “you’re beautiful”, there is always that split second where you analyse the motive behind the statement. Different thoughts ranging from “was it a tactic employed to get my attention” to “was it a genuine compliment” will flood your mind But, if the same person declares that you’ve got beautiful skin, the compliment fills you with a sense of pride. That split second of analysing the compliment almost always never exists.
Why is this?
Because it is a specific compliment that requires more than the pick up line shenanigans and more than flattery. It will require a great deal of authenticity to really convey this type of message. This is owing to the fact that anyone and everyone can be beautiful because as they say “beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” but not everyone can truly boast of beautiful skin. In this context, “beautiful” means a healthy, well nourished skin, void of multiple skin tones and varying textures.
Imagine the feeling you get whenever anyone makes a positive remark about your skin. You’d sway with pride, speak with confidence and smile without an iota of insecurity. This is because you possess something most ladies desire and aspire to have; a fresh, smooth, glowing skin. Yes, how young or old you look is often determined by the health, tone and texture of your skin. So how does anyone attain and consistently maintain a fresh, smooth and glowing skin, knowing fully well that with each passing day, skin ageing and wrinkling is inevitable?
It is customary for ladies to think the cost of such a desire is costly because they would want to invest in expensive creams, facial toners and other crucial cosmetics but do you know there are natural ingredients that can get the job done, probably better and give long-lasting results? You need to understand that attaining beautiful skin requires a great deal of consistency, sacrifice, patience and a modest investment. Expensive does not always mean better quality.
These cost effective natural ingredients can help protect your skin. As the largest organ in the body, your skin not only absorbs lots of nutrients, but also takes in a number of toxins everyday. Since your skin acts as your body’s defence against these toxins, it is important to be cautious of what you are applying on your skin! If you are putting unworthy skin care products on your skin, you can bet the toxins will make their way into your body, exactly where they don’t belong. The effect may take a while to show but it definitely will. It is not worth the risk!
To have a radiant, younger looking skin, getting rid of old, dry and dead skin cells are crucial. You also need to maintain the elasticity of your skin by ensuring your skin is constantly hydrated and well toned. There are 7 natural ingredients that will give you all these benefits without breaking the bank.
They are are:
African Black Soap: heals skin problems such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Fades skin discolouration, relieves dry and irritable skin, and evens skin texture and tone.
Honey: is a natural antibacterial. Always slows down ageing.
Lemon/Lime Juice: great for the treatment of blackheads. Rich in Vitamin C and citric acid, so they brighten and lighten your skin when used over time.
Coconut oil: it is an excellent moisturiser. It penetrates the skin better than other oils. Also a natural antibacterial and anti-fungal. Do I need to state that it has an awesome smell too?
Egg White: have astringent properties that help shrink pores by tightening the skin. Best results can be achieved when mixed with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.
Onion Juice: is a powerful antiseptic that protects your skin from acne-causing bacteria and other skin infections. It can also be used in the treatment of acne/pimples. It is also excellent for getting rid of dark spots and pigmentation.
Sugar: is particularly known for its startling effect on ageing skin. It helps keep the skin soft and supple. It is common knowledge that sugar scrubs are the most natural products to exfoliate the skin.
When all these ingredients are combined in a unique regimen, you can achieve fresh smooth skin, even if your face is ridden with breakout pimples, dark spots left behind by popped pimples and uneven skin tone. The consistent use of these ingredient combination can restore that youth radiant look. Word on the street is that going natural is the new sexy and the best part is you can create all of it right from your kitchen.
Now, you are probably wondering…
How exactly do I combine these ingredients?
Would I even have the time to combine these ingridents?
What ingredients do I use on what day, at what time?
How long will I use it before I see the desired result?
Click here to sign up for the 5 step Regimen for fresh, smooth, glowing skin and learn how to combine these ingredients. The entire process takes a minimum of 30 – 45 minutes of preparation time and 25 minutes of application time. It is best done in the morning before or during bath time or at night before you go to bed. You need to do this for approximately 6 months before results start to show. However, if you’re looking for a
…quick and easy way to achieve that fresh, smooth, glowing skin, even if your face is ridden with breakout pimples, dark spots, scars left behind by popped pimples and uneven skin tone,
…then the Dead Sea Mud is your next logical step.Click here to learn more about Dead Sea Mud Mask
Learn More About The Dead Sea Mud…
and speed up your journey to experiencing what it is to have fresh smooth skin that will keep your skin looking young and radiant are, even if your face is ridden with breakout pimples, dark spots, scars left behind by popped pimples and uneven skin tone.
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