Distinctly known as @ellapinkette on Instagram, we came up with a new alias for Louella Amaka Eze after our enlightening interview with her; The Sunscreen Queen. She explained her daily journey through natural skin and hair care to without concealing the secrets of her unpredictable glow. Yes! Like a royal garment, she carefully revealed that she adorns her skins with essentials to give it a better feel and hygiene with every sunrise. Naturally, Amaka doesn’t disappoint; she walks the walk and makes a living from it.
In one word, how would you define your skin?
Share your morning skin routine with us?
I wash my hands to get a clean start and then use Micellar water to take out the oils from the night before.
Next, I splash some water on my face and go in with my Cetaphil face and body day cleanser. It is perfect for the morning. It doesn’t lather and is very soft and gentle. I massage it into my face for 60 seconds with the pads of my fingers.
Then I rinse off and pat dry with a towel.
Then I use a vitamin C serum from Youskin which I absolutely love. Vitamin C helps to fight free radicals, reduce the effect of environmental pollution and sun exposure.
Next is my Moisturizer.
Finally, I use the Neutrogena HydroBoost Sunscreen.
Let’s talk about your hair. How often do you rock it naturally?
Not as much as I’d like to, especially not recently. I’m thinking of it as being under protective styling right now. I’ll let it loose in a month.
What are the products you use consistently to make your skin phenomenal?
Vitamin C serum and sunscreen; I swear by them. And those are the two things I’d want every skincare beginner to have in their stash.
What advice do you have for people who are finding it difficult to come to terms with their type of skin?
Don’t jump from product to product. As long as you don’t react to a patch test, try something consistently. Do your research. Observe your skin closely. Eat right and drink loads of water.
Based on your experience, how can anyone get to know their skin and hair’s need?
Research and purchase the right products that suit your individual needs and not just what’s on the shelves or on the lips of influencers.
How does someone stay conscious when it comes to skin, hair and beauty; and not get carried away?
Being intentional and not concentrating on just the products you put on your body but also what goes into it.
Your Instagram page is absolute goals. Can you share any posting tips?
Planned content. Instagram is a source of income for me, so it’s like a job. But a fun job! I plan my outfits, photos, editing etc to match my feed.
Your Instagram feed and highlights show off your travels all over for work. Do you have any tips or tricks on how to do skincare/haircare on the go?
Pack light. Take the essentials. USE SUNSCREEN.
What is your advice for people who want to start getting more into skincare but are so used to piling up makeup?
I’m a lover of both and totally feel that you can use one without the expense of the other. Skincare is a must. So always think of your skin as a base. If the base is great, the makeup will be flawless.
What inspired you to start a skincare/haircare (Instagram) blog?
I saw blogging as a representation of my personal lifestyle and I felt the need to share my journey into skin and hair care, as well as makeup.
Is it just a daily expression of your lifestyle or is it a full-fledged business?
It’s a daily expression of my lifestyle. Just like every other thing I put out on the Internet, it is to share my struggles, wins and milestones.
What does promoting the African heritage through skincare mean to you?
It means being intentional about the contents of your products and not just the general packaging. It is using natural, organic, healthy ingredients that can come only from African roots.
Ever gone makeup-free, for how long?
Maybe 3 months! I had exams and makeup was the last thing on my mind.
How does your skin feel when you’re not wearing any makeup?
Actually, really light and free!
What advice do you have for people who love makeup but want to tone it down?
I’d say, start light. Use foundation alternatives like BB and CC creams.
What are your best tips for treating hyperpigmentation?
I’ll first say, use sunscreen to reduce sun damage and subsequent hyperpigmentation and then, the use of Vitamin C serums. You could try natural alternatives like turmeric masks.
Do you use any mask products?
Yes! Of course, anything that contains charcoal is my go-to. Charcoal naturally attracts impurities to itself and away from your skin.
Have you checked our Instagram page, what do you think about us?
Yes, I have. I see a brand that is passionate about skincare and helping other people get their dream skin.
What’s your favourite skincare product?
In case, you haven’t already noticed. It’s Sunscreen! My current favourite is the Neutrogena hydro boost sunscreen SPF 50. It doubles as my moisturizer when I’m on the go.
She is on Instagram @ellapinkette
Hi pls how do I cure my pimples and black sport
Please check this link on how to cure acne: https://blog.naturaglowbyabbyjo.com/2019/09/12/360%e2%97%a6-natural-ways-to-alleviating-acne/